Spirulina- Chia- Smoothie

by - 8:51:00 AM

I'm a morning person. I like to have that couple of hours before everybody else wake up and so I can have my morning coffee in peace. Although, there are times when I wake up too early and I notice that maybe I should've slept a bit more. This morning was one of those. I was about make coffee and when I poured the water in the coffee machine, it all went next to it. After cleaning all the mess I accidentally made 10 cups of coffee. High five!

If you're an early bird too and want to make sure your morning won't start by cleaning the kitchen then take this smoothie recipe and kickstart your morning!

  • 1 tsp Spirulina
  • 1 tbls Chia- seeds
  • 1-2 Kiwis
  • 1/3 Cucumber
  • 1 Pomegranate, but squeeze in only the juice
  • 1 Banana
  • Frozen strawberries
  • Water
  • Optional: Dates / Honey / Agave to make it sweeter 

If you're new with Superfoods, like Spirulina or Chia seeds, then smoothies are perfect way to start using them. Start first with small amounts and increase over time to see how your body reacts. Here are some notes about Chia seeds and Spirulina, and why you might want to start adding them to your diet.  

  • It's a Cyanobacterium, blue- green algae
  • Consumed by Aztecs, but became popular thanks to NASA
  • High in protein
  • High in antioxidants
  •  Vitamine B (B1, B2, B6) 
  • beta- Carotene and Vitamin K
 Why Spirulina: Detoxes heavy metals, lowers blood preasure, reduces cholesterol, and just overall boosts your energy!

How to use Spirulina: A tablet, mix with water/ juice, or smoothies. 

Chia seeds: 
  • Comes from Salvia Hispanica plant that's related to mint
  •  "Chia" is an ancient Mayan word for strength, which describes the seeds perfectly
  • Full of antioxidants
  • FIBER! 40% of its weight is fiber, making it one the best resources of fiber in the world
  • Good amount of high quality protein
  • High in Omega- 3 Fatty Acids, more than salmon (according to Authority Nutrition)
 Why Chia seeds: Don't let their size to fool you. Even though Chia seeds are tiny, these little superstars are full of nutrients and make you shine all day. Because of the fiber they're good in keeping you full and reacting with liquids in the same way as flax seeds, they make your digestion work. 
How to use Chia seeds:  Smoothies, pudding, topping on yogurt/salad/oatmeal, bake in bread or make a power gel. The ways are limitless and the internet is full of recipes!

As you maybe noticed, this smoothie recipe doesn't have the "kid approved"- stamp. Our daughter is almost three and so far I haven't given her spirulina, even though it's said to be completely safe for children. 

I used these sources to get my facts right: 

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  1. Thank you for your comment Sharrol! Chia seeds certainly are very nutritious and have several good health effects. I will check out that article. :)

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