Got something in my eye

by - 5:33:00 PM

Weekend is about to start and there's only few days left of the basketball season, which means that after Saturday M is on a holiday. Hurraayy!! Also, today we get guests from Finland for the next whole week, so big time HURRAAYY!! It's crazy to think that our last weeks in Greece before summer are about to start. The other hand I'm excited to go back to Finland and see all the friends and family over there, but then the other we could've stayed here for a bit longer. Besides the summer the is starting here now!


One of the best things in travelling is that you see lots of cool places, but nothing can beat meeting so many awesome people. When you leave from the place, the hardest part is that you don't know if you will meet these people ever again. We've come across so incredible people here in Tripoli that I can't put even in words. We all, even our daughter, have made some close friends. 

Like Winnie the Pooh says, "How lucky I'm to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." This bear is a smart guy. (He is a guy, right?)
I made my hardest goodbyes in the fall before we came to Greece. My grandpa was in the hospital and we went to visit him before leaving to the airport the next morning. In the back of my head, I was thinking that this can be the last time, but didn't want to believe it. Unfortunately, our visit to the hospital was the last time that I could hug him. In October my sister called and told that he's gone on to a better place.

He was definitely the best grandpa. Piano was our thing and we played it together all the time. He always told stories about the Winter War against the Soviet Union and I thought, and still think, he is the bravest man on earth.

Overall, any goodbyes are heartbreaking and make eyes feel as if all the sand from the beach is stuffed in them, but the other hand it means that we've someone in our life that we really care about. Even though we know that the goodbyes will come at some point, it's pointless to worry about it before it actually happens. What I've learned is that if you worry about the bad things ahead of time, it will just take your joy from the present moment.

So enjoy the things what you have and do now. Take the "bad" when it comes, if it even comes.

Smile, give a hug and kiss to everyone around you.

Happy Friday everybody!! 

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