Trois fois par jour

by - 9:47:00 PM

Have you ever bought a cookbook just by its cover and find it six months later realizing that you've only read the introduction? Well I can admit, I've done that quite a few times, but I blame it on the delicious photos and cute looking covers. 

Although, last weekend my whole universum of cooking, which is not relatively large, just turned upside down when a French friend of ours introduced me to "3 Fois par jour", three times in a day. She told me that one night in a week she takes the book and 30 minutes to plan menu for the whole week. That is so smart! 

I just love French people. I swear they all have a little gastronomic restauraeur living in them.

Inspired by my French friend and the book, I navigated to the book's website as soon as we got home. I tried a few recipes from the site and now I'm a massive fan of ! 

The recipes are simple, yet creative. As a working mom, the days are kind of packed, so you wish not to spend the whole evening wondering around grocery store and thinking what we could possibly eat tonight. 

What I've been looking for a while now is a go-to cookbook for those occasion, meaning majority of the time, when I dont' know what to have for dinner.

Your fast access to have a good dinner is below: 

The spring sun is already warming up already in Rhône-Alps and it makes the French country view even more beautiful. 


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